Saturday, 28 December 2013


Online Portfolio all updated :)

Please take a look, and feel free to leave me any feedback

Thanks :)  x

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Baby Cake Smash Phot-Shoot

Absolutely loved this shoot yesterday. Kody And Kasey's 1st birthday. What gorgeous twin boys.

Sunday, 15 December 2013

We all love our animals...

My most recent shoot...all ready for Christmas. What a extremely well -behaved dog. A great pleasure to photograph. Isn't he gorgeous...


Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Last Chance

Last chance to take advantage of amazing Christmas special offer on all portraits. Get in touch for more details.

Recent wedding images

....4 weeks later and I am finally allowed the chance to share some of my recent wedding photographs with you all. Feel free to leave me any feedback. This is from one of the first weddings I have ever done alone and what an absolutely fantastic day it was, apart from the rain of course haha.
Wishing this lovely couple ( Andy & Sharon) all the best! :)

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Winter is here!!

Winter is here!!..Its not far off Christmas now and all we really want to be doing is chilling out in front of the fire whilst watching those classic Crimbo films. However for those who still have lots of shopping to be doing, you better think twice on what to wear out!

Once again its time to get out those over sized coats, big woolly scarfs and fabulous knitted jumpers.


Continuing with photographing those lovable pets, here are a few of my most recent.... what an absolutely gorgeous, well behaved dog.


Thursday, 21 November 2013


Had a lovely afternoon yesterday photographing several pups, as much as it was hard running after them trying to get a good shot, I am pleased with the results, can you get more cute! haha

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Last Chance

Last month to take full advantage of the Christmas special offer. Get your dates in before its too late.

Sunday, 3 November 2013


Congratulations to the newly-weds on their big day. Was an absolute pleasure to be- able to photograph such a lovely couple.
Here is a preview of the gorgeous bride and her husband just after the ceremony. 

1st shoot in the new studio

Last Sunday I spent my afternoon in the studio photographing a lovely family. The kids were a great pleasure to photograph and are a real credit to their parents. Below are some of the results from the day including some well prepared shots of the kids ready for Halloween. In their very much scarefest spirit I managed to get some fantastic shots.