Friday, 5 December 2014

Newborn shoot

By far the most relaxing newborn I have photographed. This mini guy was an absolute peasure to photograph. Below are just a few of my favourites! absolutely adorable!

See more at and head over to my page to give us a like ;)

Thursday, 13 November 2014


I am a massive lover of dogs....and although I may have slight allergies towards them that can't keep me away!

Go to my website and check out the section on pets .... If you like what you see then get booked in!..i'll be sure to get you the perfect picture! Portraits - Pets

Photography Newborns/Family/studio/Autumn

Recently I have been busy working on a variety of projects that I feel I have very much neglected my blog!

So here is a few images i'd like to share with you all from the most recent shoots.
Please go to my website to see more.... and head over to my facebook page to give it a LIKE! :D

10 months old Harry

1 Week old Oliver




Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Wedding Photography Offer... not to miss!

**Current photography offer** 25% off any wedding package if you book with me before the new year :) ...check out my website and message me with any enquiries :) x

Monday, 6 October 2014

Christmas gifts photoshoot fun

It's nearly here.....yeah that's right, get out those funky wellies, them wooly hats and big cosy coats and get yourself down to the studio....

This month I am doing autumn shoots on location for only £40 ....and not only that but I have a great offer on for the Christmas period. If you don't know what to get those parents for a Christmas present then this is the perfect gift!!  A chance to get all the family together and have some fun!

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Been working on a new website,
Please take a look and feel free to message me with any comments or suggestions for improvement.
Lots of new work to come soon :D

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Newborn Photos

Newborn shoots are not as easy as they look!...especially when they go past that 'mold-able' 2 week sleepy stage. However the results you do get after a bit of persevering , definitely make it all worth while!...Meet gorgeous little Harrison at 3 weeks old! #Cutie


Wedding Photography

Having recently photographed a summer wedding it was lovely to receive such a review as this :

"Thank you so much Lauren for capturing our wedding day! You were a pleasure to work with and we are really impressed with the images! You put a lot of thought and planning into the day and that really showed! Thank you!" Mr & Mrs Parsons.

Here's a sneak peak of the gorgeous bride:

Photography newborns/ pets / children

Realising it has been quite I while since I last updated my blog, I have decided to share some of my recent work with you. From a variety of pets to portraits.

Please feel free to leave any comments below.






Pet Portraits:


Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Proms 2014

Some of my favourites from the most recent prom shoot.  Absolute stunning dresses!

Saturday, 5 July 2014

Prom Shoot 2014

Second time shooting for a prom this year and I have to say I think we got some lovely images! Kimberley and her friend made a beautiful entrance in a horse and carriage. They both looked like real princesses. #Stunning #Beaut #Prom

Here are some of my favourites: