Thursday, 13 June 2013

The Final Degree Show

After three years of university and constant hard work, it was all worth while to reach to the final degree show. Everyone worked really hard to achieving their goals; proved in the extremely talented work this semester. The exhibition was a massive hit. It is safe to say that Bolton University's Photography class of 2013 can be proud of themselves.

Below is my final set of images.
These photographs capture the transition of beauty over the decades 1960's to 1990's in relation to today’s idea of beauty (Spring/Summer 2013).The use of the mannequin is to highlight the artificial nature of beauty.
Medium used: RZ67 Medium format camera, Phase 1.
Lighting: 1x main (Beauty dish at a 45degree angle of incidence) 1x Fill (Softbox) 2x Backlights (Softboxes). General use of large aperture to create that soft focus, emphasising in on key elements.
60's - 90's


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