Sunday, 27 October 2013

Final studio Images

..and after several weeks of decorating a rather large room, it is beginning to look more and more like an ideal studio!


Main Room:

Dressing Room: (not quite finished)

My Studio:

My Studio is a warm, welcoming, homely room, creating a chilled atmosphere ready for lots of  fun natured, relaxing and lighthearted photographs, producing those real natural results.

Monday, 21 October 2013

Making Progress

As you may already know, I recently got hold of some studio space. In the past month I have been working to make it look clean and homely. When I was given the keys I was left with three big empty spaces, filled with absolute rubbish and left a complete mess. Baring in mind that this building is planning to be knocked down in the next one - three years, I have tried to clean it up in the best way possible on a very low budget. By doing so I have purchased things that I can take away with me to my next location such as the bigger essentials like the carpet floor tiling and the sofa's to the smaller accessories that make up the room.

Unfortunately I didn't take a few shots of the state before hand until I was half way through, but I do have a few images below I can share so you get the idea.

...and after a fair few weekends of grafting I am happy to say that the space is near enough good to go. I will be sure to upload the final photographs of the studio set up within the next week, so make sure you come back and have a nosey.

...and finally I am very grateful for the Family I have, because without my Mum, Dad and Brothers I would still be attempting to clean, wallpaper, paint, put flooring down, move furniture, put up all my images AND THE REST! fact safe to say I just helped them out haha.

Cannot wait to get going, I have my first Photo-shoot their on Sunday! :D  #Exciting #MovingForward

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Christmas Offer

* Reminder that the Christmas offer on portraits will be on until the end of December, so don't miss out on this fantastic value and get booked in now.

To see more take a look on my facebook and please like it whilst your there to get all the updates :)

Restoring Images

The following Image shows how I have taken an old damaged photo and restored it digitally in order to refine its quality. We like to keep these precious moments in a person’s life that are impossible to re-create but possible to restore in order to keep them passing on for generations to come.
Recently I have had a few people asking me to restore their old damaged photographs, this is my first attempt :)

Logo Design

My new work hoodie :D #Cosy
LDKPhotography's logo embroidered by Jacquard Weaving:
Fantastic job done well! It's a great feeling to be able to wear my own logo for everyone to see.

Sunday, 6 October 2013

What a cutie

This morning I had a lovely photo-shoot on location. My aim was to capture the young boy looking natural and having fun. Although he never stopped running I managed to get some great pictures of him looking extra cute. To say he is only nearly 3 years of age, he was on his best behaviour and was a pleasure to photograph. The family was lovely and made me feel very welcome.
Considering the weather has not been so great recently, the sun was defiantly out today. This made it a fantastic morning walk and although the sun does not always work out in the photographers favour, I am happy with the result. Here are a few of my favourite's: